Friday, 19 December 2008


March was without a doubt the saddest month of the year. one of the residents i used to work with in my previous job passed away on 21st. although it wasnt entirely unexpected it was bloody hard to deal with, i literally spent the whole evening it tears when i was told about it. thankfully someone swapped shifts with me so i coud go to kathy's funeral, it was such a bizarre thing because we were all sharin stories and laughing our heads off because she was such a funny person but the next minute we'd b crying cos we all miss her even thought she gave us hell at times! im so thankful to have known her and im so thankful that she's not in pain in anymore, i like to think she's in heaven looking down on us and laughing at how upset we all are that she's not here - she had an interesting sense of humour!
March was the month that i decided to renovate my house, long term im hoping it was the right decision!!

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