Monday, 29 December 2008


More stress. Im like a big kid in many ways, if im told something is going to happen i take that as gospel and usually get quite excited at the thought of it no matter what it is. when it doesnt happen i get pissed off and moody. this happend a lot this month! it was so frustrating being given assurances about things being done and when i arrived in the house to see they were done i was very annoyed. I snapped a couple of times, once in particular with the elctrician but the less said about that the better. 

i did move back in to my house this month which was quite nice in way but it was frustrating as i had my ideal scenario of me moving back in with everything completely finished both inside and out - this wasnt the case! also sad to be leaving my adopted home of the previous few months, it was great craic and at times i wished i left there all the time!

amazing thing about july was the football week with ballysillan youth for christ, the guy in charge of it seemed so excited about it and had described it as being the highlight of his year - i was a bit cynical and wasnt expecting that much but it was a flippin amazing week! i loved every second of it and was brilliant to go there for a few hours every day and meet all the kids and have a laugh with them and the other coaches. was great to go there and forget about work, the house and all other crap going on and just focus on the lads and making sure they had a brilliant week.

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