Monday, 29 December 2008


Im really looking forward to 2009, ive got a few things planned and im sure there will also be many unplanned things that also happen.

so far ive got:

spurs v burnley on 6th jan
spurs v the scum on 8th feb
trip to texas for wrestlemania at start of april
wwe in the odyssey
belfast marathon in may

i would love to go to see spurs in a cup final this year but im not going to tempt fate by saying it will defintely happen! id also love to get a trip to canada in the summer but ill have to check the finances!

im also hoping to be involved in the ballysillan football week again and reach in august, both these things were highlights of my year and im sure they will be even better next year!

2008 has been amazing, full of ups and downs and ive got so many happy memories of the year. i feel ive learned so much about life, myself and had my eyes opened in so many ways. its a year i will never forget.

RIP Kathy.


December started off with a days filming on a drama about george best, it was great fun although flippin freezing and a rediculously early start! 

i was meant to go and see the pogues but i had to miss it due to my filming schedule. 

i only typed the above line cos i think it makes me sound like im up my own ass. im not really. honest.

went to london on 11th december and was totally loaded with the cold, the weekend is a bit of a blue looking back but i do remember being at spurs to watch us draw with united, great performance by the boys! came back from london and spent the next week lying in front of the tv as i had no energy for doing anything else and felt crap. eventually gave in and went to the doc and found out i had bronchitis and was put off work for another week.

 on the plus side it meant i got some much needed time off and got to spend some extra time with my family over christmas. on the negative side - i felt like crap!


November seemed to involve me never leaving work, had a couple of 60 hour weeks and it felt like i never left the flippin place! the whole month is a bit of a blur, i literally only remember going to work all the time and watching spurs a lot.


Went to see Lee Evans this month, he was very good and definitely good value for money, he was on for well over 2 hours.

october was basically a sorting month, trying to sort new mortgage and looking at my finances etc etc etc. 

needless to say i was still getting the house finalised!

spurs sacked their manager, coaches and sporting director on 25th october - the second year in a row weve done this on this date! i was worried that this was a knee kerk reaction and thinking the chairman had definitely lost the plot but literally a few minutes later it turned out he had someone lined up, harry flippin redknapp!! its fair to say i was pleased!


September was interesting! 

Had a random week where i worked overnight on sunday till monday, went to london on monday till tuesday, worked wednesday intol thursday and then went to london again from thursday until sunday. the london trips consisted of 3 spurs games, watford v reading with the goal that never was, some cinema visits and the dark knight on imax - superb!!
the monday night in london had the most bizarre incident of the year for me but i wont go into it here. it did restore my faith in people tho!

something that didnt do much for my faith in people was an unexpected bill for £4500. i spent a few days stressing and literally tearing my hair out wondering about how i was going to sort this until i decided to be proactive and gather all the proof possible that i shouldnt be paying this. it worked. was a nice little reminded of how we shouldnt be complacent tho!!


house was still being finalised this month, it got more and more frustrating as time went on. the bulk of the work was done but it was so annoying waiting for small things to be completed and even more annoying at hearing the stupid excuses for them not being done.

the football started again this month and needless to say there was a wee trip to spurs in the middle of the month. unfortunately our new look side lost and was a pretty poor day all round

highlight of the month and also one of the highlights of the year was reach. i was off for the 2 days before reach (my first proper weekend off in many, many months) and i was trying to think of reasons for me not to do it because i really wasnt in the mood and just felt tired and drained but the bottom line was id committed to doing it and i wasnt going to pull out now. i spent time praying and just gave everything to God and i was blown away by the whole week - it was fantastic and although i was knackered at the end of it i was going away totally encouraged and feeling renewed. to see so many people involved was amazing and to see so many people passionate about what was going on really inspired me, it was a great experience.


More stress. Im like a big kid in many ways, if im told something is going to happen i take that as gospel and usually get quite excited at the thought of it no matter what it is. when it doesnt happen i get pissed off and moody. this happend a lot this month! it was so frustrating being given assurances about things being done and when i arrived in the house to see they were done i was very annoyed. I snapped a couple of times, once in particular with the elctrician but the less said about that the better. 

i did move back in to my house this month which was quite nice in way but it was frustrating as i had my ideal scenario of me moving back in with everything completely finished both inside and out - this wasnt the case! also sad to be leaving my adopted home of the previous few months, it was great craic and at times i wished i left there all the time!

amazing thing about july was the football week with ballysillan youth for christ, the guy in charge of it seemed so excited about it and had described it as being the highlight of his year - i was a bit cynical and wasnt expecting that much but it was a flippin amazing week! i loved every second of it and was brilliant to go there for a few hours every day and meet all the kids and have a laugh with them and the other coaches. was great to go there and forget about work, the house and all other crap going on and just focus on the lads and making sure they had a brilliant week.


The house was meant to be finished this month. It wasnt. This was a frustrating month in many way as there were lots of deadlines to be met and when some werent it caused a lot of hassle and stress as it meant something else was then help up. It was a month full of meetings and trying to get things finalised. I began getting properly stressed this month, this went on for quite a while!

in lighter news i went to see billy connolly in the waterfront - flippin hilarious! the man is an absolute legend and on top of everything else is flippin hilarious!!!

Thursday, 25 December 2008


Weather wise, may was fantastic which meant things got off to quite a good start with the house. It was really hectic this month having to run around looking for things for the house and i seemed to have constant meetings with builder, electrician, plumber etc etc. i seemed to barely have a miute to myself although i did manage to squeeze in a wee trip to spurs for the last home game of the season, the lap of honour was quite sad this year as i knew that a fair few of the players would be leaving the club.

may was notable as well for the belfast marathon which i completed. most people are quick to point out that i only walked it and it took me 7hours 20 mins but i couldnt care less. it was a challenge and i raised money for charity, im almost looking forward to doing it again next year. was very grateful to have nicky with me on the day and really appreciated his encouragement when i was starting to struggle! ill never forget the pain i felt the next day but it was worth it! 


April was interesting. I went to 2 spurs games and also was front row at wwe at the odyssey which was excellent! Renovation work started on my house so things were a bit hectic, i moved in with jude, ray and craig for what was meant to be a couple of weeks but it went on slightly longer! I also turned 26 which was quite depressing. im not big on celebrating birthdays so just went out for lunch with a few mates and watched the man utd game in the pub that night. 

overall things started to get quite hectic this month with the renovations, uni work and working extra hours with the simon community.

Friday, 19 December 2008


March was without a doubt the saddest month of the year. one of the residents i used to work with in my previous job passed away on 21st. although it wasnt entirely unexpected it was bloody hard to deal with, i literally spent the whole evening it tears when i was told about it. thankfully someone swapped shifts with me so i coud go to kathy's funeral, it was such a bizarre thing because we were all sharin stories and laughing our heads off because she was such a funny person but the next minute we'd b crying cos we all miss her even thought she gave us hell at times! im so thankful to have known her and im so thankful that she's not in pain in anymore, i like to think she's in heaven looking down on us and laughing at how upset we all are that she's not here - she had an interesting sense of humour!
March was the month that i decided to renovate my house, long term im hoping it was the right decision!!


February was probably my favourite month of the year! went to a northern ireland game on 6th and the next day flew to canada for a little break! i love canada and i love lots of people that live there. usually id have a big group of teenagers with me and id be there doing youth work of some kind so it was amazing just to fly over there on my own without having to worry about other people and spend some time with some amazing people and just chill out. i also got to visit tim horton's quite a lot! one intersting thing was when i was in a church one sunday the roof had been leaking and someone prayed at the start that the roof wouldnt leak during the service and it didnt. however when the service ended i turned on my phone and and there numerous texts for me to call home, i did and my mum informed me that a radiotor had burst in my house and there was water everywhere. i admit i found this hilarious, no major damage done or anything - God definately has a sense of humour! overall canada was brilliant and i loved being in hope again and loved seeing everyone again and was bowled over by how nice everyone was to me while i was there!
on 24th feb Spurs beat chelsea 2-1 to win the carling cup, its fair to say i was flippin delighted!! some bitter chelsea fans have tried to tell me that it means nothing and its a worthless cup but the fact that they played their strongest team would suggest otherwise. i hate sour grapes amongst football fans!!


Janauary started off in chris and ciara's house, i hate new years eve with a passion but in fairness this wasnt a bad night. January wasnt bad i guess, had 2 trips to spurs inclusind the amazing night where we beat arsenal 5-1 at the lane! i will never forget that night as long as I live! Sadly as we were walking out of the ground the news came through that heath ledger had died. this fet quite surreal as I had auditioned afew hours earlier to be in a movie with him. In happier news spurs signed jonathon woodgate, chris gunter and allan hutton. unfortunately we also signed gilberto and jermain defoe was sold to portsmouth. aside from being at spurs i pretty much just worked and fitted in trips to the cinema.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


so 2008 has been an interesting year and just for my own amusement im going to review it month by month over the next few days.