a lot of things interest me greatly but one in particular is how some people assume that when they have a bad experience of something that everyone else is also going to have this experience.
ive noticed a lot lately.
someone i know flew with ryanair and their flight was delayed and was then telling people not to fly with ryanair because their flights were ALWAYS late. i can vouch for ryanair on this on, ive lost count of how many times ive flown with them in 2008 alone and i think just one,maybe 2, of my flights were delayed slightly.
people seem to apply the same logic to pretty much everything. hotels, restaurants, cities. one person told me not to go to london as the underground was too confusing!
i think it boils down to not looking at the bigger picture and having tunnel vision.
Christians do this a lot. i told someone recently that i hadnt been to church that morning and they started giving me grief about how going to church is important and how i need to be going to a church etc etc etc. I hadnt been to church that morning because I was knackered and had decided already to go that night instead!
I think as Christians we are too quick to judge each other and we need to wise up big style. We seem to get caught up on being involved in our church but do so little to help people outside of our little Christian circle.
Whats the point of being at every church service, every bible study, prayer meetings etc etc when we dont lead by example in other areas of our lives?
is it really right to phone in sick to work so we can attend a worship event?
is it ok to lead worship in church despite the fact we're lying on our benefit forms?
is it ok to drive an untaxed car with the justification that we're using it to attend a bible study?
should we really prioritise our Christian friends over those who aren't Christians?
I think we need to look at ourselves before we criticse other people.