Thursday, 16 June 2011


well, first impressions! im not really good at meeting new people, i like getting to know people but the initial getting to know people can be a pain in the ass.

one of my closest friends hated me the moment she met me because she thought I was rude. Im quite a shy person at heart and sometimes end up being a bit too loud or over friendly to get over my shyness. or else ill try to be funny and fail miserably. i think thats what i was trying to do in this particular case but it clearly didnt work. in my defence id just had a 10 hour flight sat beside somebody who needed a lot of attention, had spent ages in customs cos 1 girl lived on a farm and had to go through a special section and this other lad struggled with the questions he was getting asked at security. "where have you flown from Sir?" caused him to run to me and say "Harley, we need a leader now." A likeable lad but a bollocks at the same time.

Anyway, first impressions. Im not good at them. I think maybe it's because I have this deep desire to be liked and try too hard? well, I think I used to be like that. maybe i still am?

What got me thinking about impressions was my boss being determined to find me a wife. I made the mistake of telling them I was single and she has this theory that married people are happier, better workers. Ive told her of my love of wwe, spurs and divas (mainly so that she doesnt think im gay!!) but she is adament i need a wife. in fairness to her she is employing a lot of cute people at the mo but sadly I have rules on ages and none of them fall into that age range. 3 years above or below is my rule.

most of this probably doesnt make much sense. im tired and had a little too much caffeine when i came in to work!!

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